Do you think reincarnation is
- Possible?
- Unlikely?
- Very Possible?
- Impossible?
- Not just possible, but true and I can prove it!
Do you believe there is an Afterlife?
What are the similarities and differences between the idea of an Afterlife and Reincarnation?
If you see something bad taking place do you feel like you should do something about it?
For example, you see a little kid getting picked on by a mean and ugly gang of older kids. Do you wish you could help out the little kid- maybe wish you could be transformed into Spiderman or become invisible, for a minute and fix things and then go on with your life?
Why or why not?
Not that you could become Spiderman, but is it natural to want to help one's fellow man?
Let's watch a movie about a high school student named Leon who tries to help others out, even if it causes some friction with his family and the authorities.
While watching the movie, raise your hand when you don't see exactly why people are doing what they are doing.
Are you ready?
Student protests in Hong Kong®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news